After we spent a night at the Ural Mountains by some lake with a crystal clear water, we moved towards Chelljabinsk which now was only about 100 km from us. I spent morning swimming and washing myself up in a lake.
On our way we stopped at the road cafe (rigalnik) to have breakfast and tea with lemon. I used my ginger which I took from Brussels to help my stomach get rid of all the unformulated meals it had since I left home.
While we had a breakfast local TV channel at the cafeteria displayed weather news which made me a bit worried. The cities I'm heading towards to - like Omsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk - temperature is almost twice less than I expected: only + 12; + 14 degrees Celsius during the daytime which means that I might experience weather I'm not prepared for at all. The hot Moscow's weather is gone. And I found out that my tent actually has a floor and it made me so happy.
The Sun is not so hot anymore behind the Ural mountains and everybody can feel it. Instead of yesterdays +37 we have only + 24 and its already 4:30 PM.
My new friends are very keen to me and we have a lots of a great chat, but this is the last day with them together as after about 500-600 kilometers I'm moving towards North. The round-trip might take for me at least two days as I need to go by the country roads about 400 km until next big city - Omsk, 650 km from Novosibirsk.
Currently I'm already in the region of Siberia. I feel amazed and a bit scared from the possibility of my body to resist the cold for next few weeks. I have only one pair of jeans with me. But mostly I feel alright and until now I haven't regretted I moved towards this unknown experience. I pray. I guess only God can sort my trip in most attractive, interesting and less damaging way.