I waked up around 11 and went out for a morning walk around the city by the beach. Had some breakfast with a fresh bamboo juice and went back to my hotel room.

Afterwards me and a Czech guy decided to take a bikes for rent to drive around this island temples. The bikes here are not so cheap as they where in Goa so we decided to take one on two and as I hae a drivers licence for bike - I was the driver.

We went to Kek Lok Si Temple - which is like a one of the largest in Asia. That was very nice - with a huge Buddha statue at the top of the hill where is a special elevator going up. It was surprised to see that the elevator has got an air-conditioner! Only for about a minute drive.

Then we went to the other part of an island to see the Snakes Temple where actually where alive snakes staying on the altar and as the locals explained hey still have got their poison and they are dangerous if you touch them.

Then we went to one of the Hindu temples here.

And afterwards we just went back to our hotel and gave away the bike. Probably we'll go to Thailand together, too.